Most people love taking pictures of their pets, but getting your dog to do just the right thing at the right time can be tricky. They might not look at the right place or they may not sit still enough for the camera to capture them. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve your chances of getting a great shot of your dog. Take steps to set up the ideal photoshoot, and change the settings on your digital camera so that they are optimal for shooting pets. For more candid, everyday shots, use your smartphone so that you don’t miss a moment.
Many pet photographers feel that the best place to photograph a dog is outdoors because this is a very natural environment for the dog. However, you can also think about your dog’s personality when figuring out where to take the photos. For example, if your dog really loves his bed, then try taking a few photos there. Try to think of the place that your dog seems the happiest, and use that as your setting.
If you are taking still shots and you want the dog to look at the camera, then have the dog sit in the desired position. Once your dog is still, get him to look at you by calling his name or showing him a treat.
When taking action shots, it can be tricky to get your dog at just the right moment. Spend some time observing how your dog moves before trying to catch the perfect photo. This way you’ll be able to better anticipate your dog’s next move.
You can take some pictures looking down at your dog, but this is the normal human perspective. To make your photos interesting, try getting down on your knees or on your stomach and getting a dog’s eye view of the world.
If you want a portrait shot of your dog, then start your photoshoot with the still shots. After you’ve taken several shots of your dog sitting still, move on to action shots. Don’t force your dog to sit still for hours. This will not be fun for the animal. Instead, start your sessions with a few still shots, and then let your dog play while you capture action shots.
Getting low to the ground can help you capture great photos of your dog, but don’t be afraid to be creative. Try taking pictures of your dog from several different angles. You might capture a really great photo of your dog by doing this.
If you are taking still shots and your dog is following a lot of commands (e.g. sitting still, looking directly at the lens, etc.) don’t forget to reward your dog with a treat. This will help your dog understand that he is doing the right thing, and photo sessions are a positive thing.
My name is Susie McManigal. I am very blessed to be able to raise AKC Registered English & French Bulldogs. I have been breeding Bulldog Puppies for 15 years, and can honestly say that I have loved every minute of it. My dogs are not just a job, they are my life. I love each and every one of them dearly!