Healthy French Bulldog Weight

The obesity epidemic has been sweeping America for years. By now we all should understand the importance of maintaining a healthy body weight for ourselves, why should our pets be any different? It seems like common sense, however, a large majority of pets actually are overweight and their owners may be completely oblivious.

French bulldogs already have it hard when it comes to their predisposition to a variety of health issues. By keeping them a healthy weight, they’ll live longer, happier lives.

Healthy French Bulldog Weight

Unfortunately, our French Bulldogs are prone to rapid weight gain, and you should avoid feeding them human food at all costs. You wouldn’t eat your dog’s food and they shouldn’t eat yours.

Health risks French Bulldog Weight

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Respiratory disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Injuries to bones, joints, and muscles
  • Less stress on joints
  • Arthritis
  • Overweight dogs live an average of two years fewer than those of healthy weight 

What are the causes of French Bulldog weight gain?

  • Overfeeding
  • Low activity
  • Breed
  • Age
  • Reproductive status
    • Dogs that are neutered or spayed are at a slightly higher risk of weight gain according to a study published in the July 15, 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association for two years following their surgery.
  • Pre-existing diseases such as hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease
  • Pregnancy
    • If your female, unspayed French Bulldog is unexpectedly gaining weight, be sure to rule out the possibility of a pregnancy before starting a new diet and exercise routine.

French Bulldog Growth Chart

French Bulldog Growth Chart

A chart is good to get a general idea of your Frenchie’s weight, but it’s not definitive. Here’s how to get a better assessment of your Frenchie’s weight.

Standing over your French Bulldog, you should be able to feel their ribs, but not see them. If you can see their ribs, they may be too skinny. If you can’t see their ribs, place your hands on the side of their chest. OR you still can’t distinguish their rib cage from their waist, they could be overweight. The shape of your Frenchie should be hourglass-shaped than oval-shaped.

How to cut the weight – becoming your Frenchie’s personal trainer

Fitness 101

If you have ever spent a decent amount of time in the gym, you’ll probably understand the importance of diet in maintaining a healthy weight. When us humans start to gain weight, we notice it when we look in the mirror and can make changes to our diet and activity level accordingly. Your Frenchie doesn’t have this luxury and it’s imperative that you keep a close eye on their weight as they’re notorious for putting on weight like it’s nothing.

It’s a family effort

Before we get started, let’s make sure everybody’s on the same page. Perhaps your kids have been feeding your little Frenchie french fries under the table unbeknownst. Whatever it is, make sure your entire family is committed to your Frenchie’s weight loss plan. No matter how often you go for walks, if your pup is scoffing down the leftovers or having a few too many midnight snacks, you won’t see any results.

Let’s get started! — Diet

First things first, you should take a look at your Frenchie’s diet. Are their meal portions too big? Are they gobbling up table scraps? Too many training treats?

PetMD recommends cutting food intake by 25 percent. Increase exercise slowly each day.

Consider a raw diet

Despite controversy over raw diets, there have been many benefits associated with them; one of them being weight loss. These diets provide your dog with much more protein than dry food, which is essential for muscle strength. This means the weight loss will be fat, not muscle mass. Raw diets also keep your French Bulldog feeling “full” after meals, meaning they won’t be scrounging around the house for crumbs.

Feed multiple, smaller meals each day

It has been shown that multiple, smaller meals are beneficial in weight loss when compared to one or two large meals every day. This is because your French Bulldog’s blood sugar level will be more consistent throughout the day, meaning their bodies are less likely to store the excess calories.

Consult with your veterinarian

Nobody knows your Frenchie’s health better than your veterinarian. They will know the best brand and portion sizes specifically for your pup. If necessary, your veterinarian may also prescribe diet dog food for your Frenchie.

Hit the gym… or well, the outdoors

If you aren’t already taking your Frenchie for** regular, daily walks, begin doing so immediately. A ten-minute walk is much better than nothing. Frenchies love exploring the great outdoors and it’s a **great stress reliever for us humans too! You can even kill two birds with one stone and use getting your Frenchie to a healthy weight as a way to ease into a physical exercise habit.

It is recommended to walk your Frenchie for 30 minutes twice a day, however, this may not fit everybody’s circumstances. You may live in a highrise apartment in the heart of the city or simply not feel like going for a walk after a long day at the office. Regardless of what it is, there’s definitely a way to squeeze in some exercise!

Keep this in mind!

During the summer in hotter areas such as Florida or Texas, you and your Frenchie may find the heat unbearable. It’s important that you don’t let them overexert themselves as they’re** prone to heatstroke**. A small, children’s pool works perfectly for cooling them off!

The same goes for extremely cold climates as well. If you notice your French bulldog shivering when outside, a sweater is a worthwhile investment. Be sure to give extra cuddles when you’re back inside to warm them up!

Alternatives to walking

  • Running up and down the stairs
  • Doggy treadmill
  • Tug-of-war
  • Fetch
  • Hide treats around the house

Just remember

The key to French Bulldog weight loss in both humans and animals is the same: diet and exercise. With enough persistence, you’ll achieve your goals in no time! If your Frenchie is experiencing unexplainable weight gain or you’re not seeing much results from your diet, we recommend consulting with your veterinarian.

Huskerland Bulldogs | French Bulldogs on Sale

My name is Susie McManigal. I am very blessed to be able to raise AKC Registered English & French Bulldogs. I have been breeding Bulldog Puppies for 15 years, and can honestly say that I have loved every minute of it. My dogs are not just a job, they are my life. I love each and every one of them dearly!

You can call us, email us, or drive to our physical address and meet us and our bulldogs. Contact us for any questions.