Do you have a bulldog? Here are some grooming tips for bulldogs you might find useful!
(more…)A dog park is a perfect place to bring your pet for some exercise and playtime fun. Your pet gets the opportunity to run around off-leash, and it’s the perfect place for your dog to socialize with other dogs and develop good behavior habits.
However, because it’s a social setting with many other dog owners around, this can sometimes result in an unpleasant experience. Dogs who haven’t been trained, owners who don’t know how to control their dog, and dogs that haven’t been vaccinated, dewormed, or otherwise treated and are a health hazard to other pets.
(more…)Setting off on vacation can be tough on pet owners if it means they have to leave their dogs behind. Luckily, there are many dog-friendly hotel chains nowadays. Furthermore, many of them are virtually rolling out the red carpet for our furry companions. About 75 percent of luxury, mid-scale, and economy hotels now allow pets, according to a 2016 survey by the American Hotel & Lodging Association. Below you’ll find some tips to ensure that your dog will be welcomed wherever you travel.
(more…)He’s your best friend – and he’s quite handsome if you do say so yourself. You think he has what it takes to compete in a dog show, but where do you begin? Here’s everything you need to know to start showing your dog.
Like other dogs, Frenchie’s needs exercise, but the amount of exercise they need is moderate because their body structure does not allow them to perform strenuous activities. The nature of their head and their respiratory system are some of the physical features that make them susceptible to shortness of breath when exercising.
This is why you should not run when walking your Frenchie. It will be difficult for them to handle the physical stress that comes with running. Also, you should be cautious of the weather when walking your dog because they are susceptible to too much heat. When it’s hot, they can have heart attacks or heat stroke.
Most people love taking pictures of their pets, but getting your dog to do just the right thing at the right time can be tricky. They might not look at the right place or they may not sit still enough for the camera to capture them. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to improve your chances of getting a great shot of your dog. Take steps to set up the ideal photoshoot, and change the settings on your digital camera so that they are optimal for shooting pets. For more candid, everyday shots, use your smartphone so that you don’t miss a moment.
You might think that you only need to worry about your dog getting ticks if you live in a wooded area. After all, ticks like to hang out in the woods, tall grass, and other areas with dense foliage, but the truth is, ticks live pretty much all over the place in the United States. Your dog can pick up ticks after walking through someone’s yard that has high grass or even by rolling around in a tempting pile of leaves.
(more…)It is so important to teach your kids how to treat a puppy. Puppies learn from the children, right away, if they are going to be sweet, loving dogs, or if they are going to be aggressive dogs. If your child teaches them to be aggressive, they will be. If your child is loving to your dog, the dog will be loving right back. Help your child to teach your puppy how to behave, right from the start.
In our daily lives, we take precautions to safeguard our most valuable possessions and protect them from being stolen. We lock our car doors, equip our homes with alarms, and create passwords to shield our personal information, yet few pet owners realize that protecting our dogs from potential pet theft is just as important.
To start off on the right foot (and paw!) with your pup, he’ll need to know what you expect from him. This will make him feel secure in his ability to meet the goals laid out for him going forward. The foundation of training should be based on positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the process of giving a dog (or person!) a reward to encourage the behavior you want to teach your puppy. This is just like getting a paycheck for going to work.
The idea is not to bribe the behavior but to train it using something your dog values. Avoid using punishment such as leash corrections or yelling. Punishment can cause a dog to become confused and unsure about what is being asked of him. It is important to remember that we can’t expect dogs to know what they don’t know – just like you wouldn’t expect a 2-year-old child to know how to tie his shoes. Patience will go a long way in helping your new puppy learn how to behave.
Despite the baskets of toys you may already have for your adorable pup (and don’t let anyone shame you for those piles of dog delight), the best dog in the world (your dog) could always use a new dog toy. To help you increase playtime joy for small dogs, we’ve rounded up the best toys (and best gift ideas) for your furry friend or fellow pet owner’s best friend.
While French Bulldog colors vary depending on the parents’ genes, what these incredible dogs are most known for is their adorable and charming demeanor. They are excellent watchdogs but aren’t known to be big barkers.
As far as looks go, Frenchies have a large, squared head and a compact, muscular body. While all Frenchies have a short, shiny, and smooth coat and their skin is typically loose and wrinkled especially around their faces. This is one reason they’re so desired as a furry family member to cuddle! (more…)
You’re going away on vacation, but you won’t be able to relax if you’re constantly worrying about your pet. For many pet owners, one of the hardest things about going away is that you have to leave your dog behind. You have to find him an appropriate place to stay. The problem is that not all boarding kennels are created equal. Not to worry! We’ve put together a checklist of items that will help you weed out the less reputable establishments and pick a quality boarding facility that’ll be like a vacation for your pooch.
How much does it cost to own a dog and care for it properly? You may have heard that dogs are expensive. While it’s true that there is an investment involved with dog care, it’s best to understand the details of dog care expenses. On the other hand, you may think that dogs don’t cost much at all. The cost of owning a dog is about more than just food costs. With something like the cost of dog care, it’s all relative. (more…)
Many bully owners think that “dog breath” is normal, and it can be, but only to a certain extent. Your bulldog’s breath won’t always be fresh, but if it has persistent bad breath, you have a big problem! Did you know that 80% of dogs over age 3 experience dental problems? Unfortunately, bulldogs are no exception. In fact, they are more prone to tartar buildup on their teeth because they are brachycephalic, or short-nosed. In addition, periodontal disease, or gum disease as it is otherwise known, is one of the most common ailments for which vets treat dogs. And considering that gum disease can give your bully a higher risk of developing heart disease and kidney disease, good dental care is absolutely essential. Here are 5 steps for keeping your bulldog’s mouth healthy and clean. (more…)
Question: Recently my dog wasn’t eating as much as he usually does and he just seemed off. It was a weekend, so I didn’t want to make an emergency call unnecessarily. There were no other obvious symptoms, and he bounced back by Monday morning. This incident had me wondering, when should I call the vet and how can I determine if it’s really an emergency?
Choosing a name for your female puppy requires a little luck and inspiration and a lot of thought. After all, this is a word you’ll be saying frequently for years to come. Like girl baby names, dog names trend in popularity. You don’t meet many toddlers’ names Ethel, nor dogs named Fido these days. Popular culture is always a rising theme; after the movie, “Frozen” came out, there was a 900 percent rise in dogs named for the movie’s characters.